Fairfax RoadThe owners of this highly impressive Edwardian property wished to explore a number of design solutions which included various styles.
Pivoting, sliding and folding doors as well as several roof support structures including glass beams and lattice steel trusses were included in the design.
Following several design team meetings the clients decided upon a hybrid solution which features a large 12 metre clear span roof.
The roof units are supported by triple laminate glass beams spanning between exposed lattice steel trusses, whilst the façade incorporates 9 metre wide sliding doors allowing the client to almost completely open up the entire structure. As part of our remit we also provided the full structural design for the glass and steel roof, the façade and doors and also the foundations and structural slab. Construction required the use of a 200 ton mobile crane to lift each 500kg roof panel over the 3 storey property….not a day for the faint hearted.
Thankfully installation was completed without a hitch and the project complete just in time for a significant family birthday party.
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